Safety from Unexpected Environmental Hazards

About the product
Intruders are by no means the only threat to you, your family or your property, and this is why the best home security systems also protect against environmental hazards. While you can’t prevent environmental hazards from occurring, you can ensure you are prepared for them.
Our complete home security system can alert you whenever extreme conditions like storms, hurricanes, fires or tornadoes are approaching and issue alerts if your property is likely to be affected. All warnings are issued in plenty of time for you to take the required safety precautions—for both your family and your property.
In addition, our smoke alarm systems are heat sensitive for double fire detection, and our carbon monoxide detectors will swiftly alert you to this silent killer. Both detectors are centrally monitored and should an alarm go off, first responders will quickly be sent to your home to deal with the situation and ensure your safety, even when you’re asleep or not at home.
We can also install water detectors in your home to detect leaks early on and prevent thousands of dollars in flood damage should your pipes burst while you’re away. Our alarm system will notify you if your pipes are close to bursting by monitoring the temperature of your home and letting you know when there’s a risk.
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