Questions & Answers for Vanguard Security Ltd - Kingston

Here you will find questions & answers for Vanguard Security Ltd. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Jamaica Index! users.
Good night , the company need any female in portland . I work as a security officer before but don't have a PSRA.
Do train security guards?
If so, what would I have to do to be trained???
I would like to know when this company will be recruiting
Just please remember to call the 876-968-2413 number for their head office...
Good evening, am asking if the company is recuiting any new employees right now...?
I would like to know when the company will be recruiting?
I would like to know when then company will be recruiting?
Is there a branch in negril Westmoreland?
Was living in Portland work with the company but relocate got employed to a different company but found out that this company is here as well can I apply again??
Is this business organization recruiting any employees right now?
Is this business organization recruiting any employees for this summer?

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